Pure junk, (What's this?) If you want to waste some money, do it in a way they does not fill the garbage dump. This product did not receive any FM stations, in a metropolitan area. Pure garbage.
AWFUL RECEPTION!!! STICK TO AN IPOD OR XM SIRIUS PORTABLE RADIO, Ok so this is the third radio I've reviewed, and three time's a charm. In my previous review, I said that I would replace my sony radio because the reception still sucks. I went back to exchange it for this device, and it was the worst portable radio I've had. The reception was so awful that I went back and had my money refunded. I don't even know why the heck do they make these things if most of the radio stations won't even work. Here's my advice. Don't waste your money on these portable radios. You'll get less stations than what you payed for depending on the price. Like I've said before if you want to use a portable device just stick to an IPOD or mp3 player or better yet if you like being outdoors just get an xm/sirius subscription for only $12.95 a month. I have a portable XM Radio but since it only works outdoors and I ride the bus alot, and I study at school and wait between classes I still wanted to hear local radio, but because of the kind of radios stores are selling now I guess that won't be happening. One more thing to point of, your satisfaction for radios like these depends on the market where you live and what your music tastes are radio wise.
You get what you pay for, For about $15, I don't understand what these whiners expected. I use this radio on my bike rides and I have no prob with most of the FM stations, nice and clear, the AM station is another story, I get most of them and many have some kind of noise or inteference with them, some are not that bad at all. You have to keep in mind that this radio uses the headset wire as its antenna and sometimes you may have to re-align it to get the best reception. All in all, for $15 bucks it does its job.
The headphone happens to be very confortable, good sound and I can still hear the traffic around me, so I consider them safe. I also like the fact that they fit from behind your neck instead of wraping around the top of your head. The controls are also well done, It takes one long push of a button for the radio to seek to the next station, it has memory for your fabs, reponsive volume control, heck! what else do expect for the money. If you are not picky, I recommend it.
Terrible product, The worst Amplitude Modulation reception I've ever encountered on a portable radio device. Seriously, the AM frequency is comically bad, as if it were some kind of sick joke on behalf of the manufacturer. Incompetence on a design level or cost corners cut are the only logical explanations in my mind for how it could be this nonfunctional. Only one station on the AM dial in my area comes in reasonably well through this maddening abomination but it's entirely dependent on where I'm at geographically; if I'm going up an incline or I'm near a metropolitan area, all bets are off. If I'm in flat terrain with no other interfering electronic stimulus within a multi-mile radius this sole station maybe comes in static-free for a few minutes if I'm lucky. Also, the armband design is cumbersome and it devours batteries with ridiculous ease. When I finally locate a quality portable radio replacement I'm going to destroy this thing ceremonially with a sledge hammer. In fairness the FM did come in exponentially better but as a person who bought it almost entirely for AM usage my harsh criticism and bottom-of-the-barrel star rating are justified.
it doesnt work, (What's this?) It looks good but i put in new batteries n it still didnt work.

Compact & lightweight.20 user selectable preset memory stations (10 AM, 10 FM) allow you to save your favorite radio stations and listen to them at any time.Water-resistant design.Adjustable settings include preset, memory, band, volume up and down and tuning up and down.LCD display for easy viewing..