GOOD VALUE, (What's this?) This product is a better value and receiver than I thought it would be. I have several receivers of this type and this one actually outperforms my larger and much more expensive Grundigs. I use this radio daily and I recommend it heartily.
Don't buy this radio, (What's this?)
Nice for AM Radio, (What's this?) I primarily use this radio for AM talk radio. It works fine for most local stations,however, the reception is only fair. Its features are very nice once you learn how to use them. Carefully read the instruction manual. After programming the pre-sets your ready to go. Again, learn how to operate this radio--you'll be glad you took the time to do so.
Playing through the speaker you receive decent audio for a little radio, the ear phone is absolutely horrible--think total distortion. However, if you use a decent set of ear buds--your treated to very nice audio.
I depend upon this device and would miss it if it were lost or stolen.
Volume control poor, and there is a lot of static, (What's this?) I have had the CC SW Pocket radio for a month.
It is compact, and the batteries last a long time. I read other reviews regarding how sensitive the volume control is. They are correct. If you touch
the tiny button, it can go from very low volume, to extremely loud.
The small buttons on the lower right, are difficult to use. My finger can easily push two buttons at one time, and mess up the changing of stations,
as well as some of the features.
CC SWPocket AM/FM Shortwave Pocket Radio, (What's this?) Manufacturer advertises this radio to be superior due to its ability to fine tune to enhance reception. I found this to be far from the case. It is no better than my Coby $10 ordinary radio for picking up AM and FM stations (and it has a weather band). SW reception is zero. Advertisements mention no need for a seperate SW antenna, which is the case. I sent it back today for a full refund.
Bad volume control-good reception, I sent this radio back because the volume control dropped of too quickly on the low end. Company said they couldn't fix and offered me my money back. I liked the other features so much that I took the radio back. It has worked ok for about 2.5 years, but now I can't control the station changes. It skampers all over the range and is fickle where at times refuses to work and sometimes stays on one station while the digital read-out shows multiple number changes. Maybe I'll order one of their returned radios. A little frustrated.
I like this radio!, (What's this?) This little radio is packed with features. Every now and again I have to pull the manual out to see how to get the full advantage of them. You have to be aware of the small buttons- you may push one you don't want if you're half awake.
ccrane radio, (What's this?) this was a gift and my hubby loves the radio. he will enjoy it all year long.
Good FM reception, (What's this?) I live 40 miles from the nearest FM transmitter, 12 from AM. This radio does the best job of any small portable I've tried for solid FM reception, tho certainly not even close to a car radio. But good enough for my needs. Got nothing useful on AM/SW, which is normal unless you're very close to transmitters. Unlike others, the buttons on mine work just fine. I like the availability of a tuning knob as a compliment to the scan feature.
A ripoff, I bought this CCrane radio thinking it was exactly what I wanted - preset stations, all bands, and good reception. It does have preset stations (hard to use) and all bands. Reception is average to poor. Furthermore, I listen late at night and like the volume down very low - I CANNOT DO THIS due to the discrete (not continuous) volume settings; i.e., it goes from cannot be heard at the lowest setting to too loud at the next setting up. The worst problem however is the battery consumption - the worst I've ever encountered in a portable radio. These criticisms have been previously noted. The final and previously un-noted criticism is its very poor human factors design. I should not need to read an instruction manual to operate a portable radio.(A car radio with the same features never requires the use of an instruction manual.) As a human factors engineer I would fire the person who designed this radio; this radio could not have been user tested.

Alarm clock, direct key entry, stereo headphone jack, sleep timer, display light, and carry pouch.You can quickly and easily retrieve up to 200 of your favorite AM/FM and Shortwave stations.Exceptional AM reception and audio quality.The CCRadio-SWPocket also has a keyboard for direct access to any frequency..Sensitive enough to outperform all comparable radios in its class. The new CCRadio-SWPocket AM/FM/Shortwave Pocket Radio has exceptional AM reception and audio quality for its small size. It's sensitive enough to outperform all comparable radios in its class, and small enough to tuck in your briefcase or purse.